P e r f o r m a n c e s
Logos Theatre – Buftea
International Studio of Avangarde Theatre
- SLAVE ISLAND by P. Marivaux - National Premiere -
A less known comedy, but wonderful, with a noble inspiring meaning, showing in spectacular scenes the mirror of our own error that we live in, but also the wonder of the soul metamorphosis, the mystery of the philosophy stone that transforms even the error in spiritual gold. The play is performed with masks and maximum body expression, as Comedie dell'Arte.
- duration: 1h 15 min. -
Director: Oswald Gayer, Art Director: Mirela Tatoli, Costumes: Brandusa Câmpeanu, Music Live: Daniel Pop
Actors: Marian Simion, Iulian Ilinca, Mirela Tihan, Ionela Hanganu, Vali Manole, Julieana Draghici, Raluca Les.
PEER GYNT by H. Ibsen
It is one of the best play written by H. Ibsen.
It is a story of a boy who tries to find his way in life, but of course this is not easy.
He meets a girl, Solveig who will love him and wait for him for the rest of her life.
Life puts him in many difficult situations and he looks lost. But in the end, Solveig through her love,
saves him. Peer Gynt discovers the meaning of life in the love of a lifetime!
- duration: 1h 20 min. -
Director: Oswald Gayer, Art Director: Adriana Crisan, Costumes: Brândusa Câmpeanu, Clara Labancz,
Music Live: Daniel Pop Actors: Marian Simion, Mirela Tihan, Vali Manole, Iulian Ilinca, George Aur, Catalina Enache, Alexandru Dumitrescu, Julieana Draghici, Raluca Les.
HÄNSEL and GRETEL by Grimm Brothers
This story of two children abandoned in the forest is well-known.
This is the raw material of how cildren can discover their courage and cleverness
against evil forces represented by the old ugly witch.
The story is a symbol of Good Spirit victory as a bight light against darkness of Unknown World.
We all have to find out how to do this.
- duration : 50 min. -
Director: Oswald Gayer, Art Director: Clara Labancz, Costumes: Clara Labancz, Music Live: Daniel Pop
Actors: Iulian Ilinca, Mirela Tihan, Vali Manole, Ionela Hanganu, Marian Simion, Julieana Draghici, Raluca Les.
THE DREAM, A LIFE by F. Grillparzer
The lack of perspectives of the youth, gives birth to monstrous adults. The young feels as the fire of will pushes him to frame in a benefic social life, but with no correct address, for their constructive ambitions. They are exposed to the danger of giving themselves to temptation, to make of themselves the sole address, to which the social life should tend. The supreme social selfish, that of the man that rejects or doesn't want to understand the rule of life in community, is the revenge for the he, himself feels rejected and inexplicable.
The pay analyzes the causes and consequences of this vicious circle and dares to suggest the reconciliation solution between these polarities: the Philosopher’s advice.
- duration: 1h 30 min. -
Director: Oswald Gayer, Art Director: Clara Labancz, Mirela Tatoli, Costumes: Clara Labancz, Music Live: Daniel Pop
Actors: Vali Manole, Iulian Ilinca, Mirela Tihan, George Aur, Marian Simion, Catalina Enache , Alexandru Dumitrescu, Julieana Draghici, Raluca Les.
THE SNOW WHITE by Grimm Brothers
This wonderful fairy tale is well-known.
It is a story of a pretty princess who is envied by her step mother that possessed a spellbound mirror. The princess finds protection and love in the house of seven dwarfs. They, by conjuring providence by care and lovely sorrow, give her to a prince who offer her duly place, on the Queen throne.
- duration: 1h 10 min. -
Director: Oswald Gayer, Art Director: Clara Labancz, Mirela Tatoli, Costumes: Clara Labancz, Music Live: Daniel Pop
Actors: Julieana Draghici, Oswald Gayer, Ionela Hanganu, Raluca Les, Vali Manole, Iulian Ilinca, Mirela Tihan, George Aur, Marian Simion, Catalina Enache , Alexandru Dumitrescu,