Româna [ English ] Deutsch
H i s t o r y 
It was in 1985 that I first had the inspiration to start my own theatre, at the time I was working in
the national theatres of Austria, Germany and Switzerland, where I was guided by the great
artists and teachers Abby Kitzel, Niki Wolcz and David Esrig through a rich experience of the
fundamental perspectives of theatre.
But now I wanted to brake free of the traditional art of theatre,
to find a new way to express the mistrial through the performing arts, in a way that it can be
accessible to the audiences of today.
To take inspiration from around the world including the Sacred theatre of India, Japanese
theatre arts of Noh, Kabuki, Beijing Opera, Ancient Greek theatre, Commedia dell´Arte and
Anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner.
During the next few years my goal to find new expressions through the performing arts of
the metaphysical dimensions finally drove me to start an independent theatre.
The first step in this direction was the creation of an independent “Cube Theatre” in Munich by
Christian Thoma, Liviu Rozorea and I.
The second step was a production of “The Dream, a life” in St.Polten under the name
of “Pro Logos Theatre” with Werner Eng and others.
It was not my intention to start a theatre in Romania, but I found here many very good young
actors with the same artistic ambitions, so I created the “Theatre Logos” in Buftea and
Bucharest through which to be able to work with the Romania actors.
It was on the 12 October 1998 that the “Logos Theatre” was officially recognized as a cultural entity of Romania.
Oswald Gayer
Our entire starting building work 1999 – 2000 – 2001 – 2002 – 2003 – 2004:
- in the beginning of December 1999, a demonstrative evening was organized in a school;
- “Winter story” by W. Shakespeare was rehearsed with the young people;
- For Christmas 1999, a “poetry evening” was organized from the Romanian literature;
- For Easter 2000, a poetry evening named “German classics” was organized;
- “Slave Island” by P. Mariveaux was rehearsed with young professional actors;
- “The girl without hands” by Grimm brothers was rehearsed with young people from some of the city schools;
- Within a literature evening, “The knowledge drama” by V. Voiculescu was rehearsed with students;
- 2002 had taken place the school theater days “school theater days for the school- and youth-theater”, with 25 performances of students from 16 cities of the state;
- A painting course takes place on weekly basis;
- Art history is mediated weekly by means of audiovisual material;
- “Peer Gynt” by H. Ibsen was rehearsed within a theater course for future teachers;
- “Peer Gynt” by H. Ibsen was rehearsed, one year after, with our professional actors;
- A library was established; it is now put on the public disposal;
- “Hansel and Gretel” by Grimm brothers has been elaborated in 2003 and performed several times with full house;
- In 2003 we had again the opportunity to be co-organizers of the school theater days;
- “The Snow White” by Grimm brothers had the first night in 2004;
- The first night of the “The Dream, a life” by F. Grillparzer was before Eastern 2004;
- A social theater enterprise was created; kindergarten, schools and gymnasiums are actually coming with hundreds of children and young people to our performances and discussions; adult public is also a permanent presence;
- In the beginning of July 2004, we had the opportunity to perform “Peer Gynt” within the international youth convention in Simeria-Romania;
- On the 12.12.2003, at 12, visited us His Excellence the Romanian Minister of Culture and granted us a city blessing, but no money;
Renovation work:
- in 2002, we had to renovate and enlarge the entire stage;
- we had to cover over 12 giant windows and to apply bars on the remaining windows;
- canalization and water pipes were installed for the entire building;
- the ceiling over the entire hall was renovated;
- all the interior walls were cleaned;
- the electric equipment in the entire building was draw in from new;
- gas heating equipment was provided for the entire building;
- the roof was covered from new.
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